Federal Real Estate Administration to become a Public Limited Company

On Tuesday, the Select Ministerial Committee gave the green light to converting the Federal Real Estate Administration into a public limited company.
L’Echo, De Tijd and De Standaard are reporting on Wednesday that the Federal Real Estate Administration, which manages governmental real estate property, will be reformed.

The organsation manages around 1,100 buildings, with a total surface area of 7.3 million square metres. Owing to corruption cases and bad management, the institution is often in the news, for all the wrong reasons. The reform presently under way will convert the organisation, in much the same way as the conversion of the old postal service into bpost.

The information was disclosed by the department for the Minister of the Interior, Jan Jambon, who has overall responsibility for the Regie der Gebouwen/Régie des Bâtiments. The spokesperson went on, “The Administration must grow, so as to become an automonous organisation with a professional structure.”

The aim is to rationalize the organisation and to reduce the surface area managed by around a million square metres through an active asset management strategy. In another ten years, these measures should enable savings of several hundred million euro. The status, pay and staff seniority within the organization will not be affected by these changes.

The author: Clémentine FORISSIER

Clémentine Forissier, a youthful journalist hailing from Brussels, has been making waves in the field of media. Despite her relatively young age, she has quickly risen to prominence as a prominent voice in Belgian journalism. Known for her fresh perspective and dynamic reporting, Clémentine has become a recognized figure in the Brussels media scene, offering insightful coverage of various topics.

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